First off let me start by saying i am so sorry for being so absent on the blog! What a few fast couple of weeks it has been for us. We all got hit by the nasty flu and it would not leave our house. But, thankfully we have kicked it to the curb and we are all healed.
I am so excited to finally create this post because this has been a really big problem for me that i have finally overcame. Just a little history about my skin. I have had minor acne ever since i was in high school. I would get get the occasional break out here and there and it wouldn't bother me much. Once i had children the whole game changed and my skin took a turn for the worst. Hormones, stress and starting a new journey with motherhood and school took its tole on me and my skin. I have tried everything and i mean E V E R Y T H I N G when it came to acne products.
Believe it or not my adult acne became much more of a pain then my teen acne. I just didn't understand why it was happening. Now that i look back i realize applying drying creams, pounding on make up to cover my blemishes and not having a skin care routine was really hurting my chances of ever having clear skin.
I AM SO EXCITED to finally say that i have conquered my skin care issues! My skin is very oily and needs to be managed with products that don't clog my pores. these products i have used have cleared my skin in a matter of a week and i am beyond thrilled to share each one with you.
1.First lets start with cleansing and moisturizing- This Shea Moisture Set (Click for direct link) which comes with a bar soap, facial scrub, mask, and a moisturizer has been one of the main reasons my skin has cleared up. These particular products are light weight and perfect for someone who has oily or combo skin.
2. Second is the real money maker! HA HA HA! Now, i have seen this product all around my instagram and i was hesitant because the smell would really bother me. When i gave birth to both of my children i had to use witch hazel. And that smell haunts me....H A U N T S ME!!! But after i did some research i found a few different scents. i cam across this Thayer's Witch Hazel(Click for direct link) and all my negative feelings about witch hazel vanished.
I like to use this right after i wash to get any excess make up off my care and to prep my face as well for the moisturizer.
I like to use this right after i wash to get any excess make up off my care and to prep my face as well for the moisturizer.
I am no beauty expert, but i am a fellow friend who knows the skin struggle is R E A L. I really hope this helps some of you out there who are struggle with your skin care routine.
As always,
God Bless XOXO
-Jeannie Marie
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