If you can't already tell be title i have a sinus infection and it has lasted for 2 weeks. I am beyond the point of annoyed and i feel like i wont ever get over this! Last night i got a fever of 101 and i usually try not to take any medications, but i just could not handle it anymore.
I woke up and had my mind set on going to urgent care ASAP, but then i started up looking natural remedies to cure a sinus infection.
1: Boiling a pot of hot water in a large pan and dropping tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil inside the water. i dropped about 10 drops of each. Then i put a towel over my head and took deep breaths of the vapors. And that helped a lot! my nose was runny in there and it was nice to have a runny nose instead of all that sinus pressure! For the long term it didn't help though.
2. Applying hot and cold compresses to my sinus helped too. I rolled up a face towel and kept the bowl of hot water from the above remedy i had mentioned. Then i dipped it inside and rolled it up and placed it on my sinuses. The compress really helped with the pressure and i believe that it helped because as the towel as on i went ahead and massaged my nasal cavity too.
3. This next remedy is the one that has helped me substantially! i found this remedy on pinterest.
YES it burns but does it work? YES! i'm not going to say that this is a remedy that will get rid of the infection necessarily, but it did help A TON! i was able to get a nap in for over an hour and the pressure was relieved. Its been a few hours and the pressure has come back so i will mix this up again and drink it. I wanted to add a little CAUTION: make sure to mix the drink correctly because it can be dangerous to drink apple cider vinegar in excess. It can cause issues with your esophagus. Now, don't be alarmed apple cider vinegar in moderation can be very beneficial for your healthy!
I really hope this helps any of you who are suffering with this horrible sickness that is being passed around. I know i had a regular cold which led to stomach flu and now a sinus infection. So take your vitamins and stay healthy my friends!
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